A one and a half hour drive became a three and a half hour drive. The roads were jammed, highways closed and the stopping and starting proved to be too much for daughter number three who threw up in the car. (Who knew that a child could develop car sickness when they hadn’t been proned to it in the past number of years? But this one has been challenged by long drives of late. Sigh.) A stop to clean up and find Gravol and a bit of water and we were delayed again. To make matters worse this Mama has become a white knuckled driver over the years and so the stress of the traffic jams and car sickness pushed me right to my limits until I was so ragged that I finally walked in the door of the CMI warehouse and broke down and cried.
Oh, how I wish I could turn off my emotions in public! But there I was crying through the last half of the mad science presentation. So disappointed, I was wondering what had made me think that I was up to the task of even driving my kids to a field trip let alone guiding them on the paths of higher learning on a day to day basis.
Yikes. So how do I reconcile this as the journey back to that elusive “normal” that we had been missing since the summer came and chased the routine away? Do I really want normal? Will I ever survive the swings in my own pendulum as I hope for educational bliss and end up with car sick kids and missed field trips…
How am I going to survive 36 weeks of this!?
Well, the days since our exhausting first days of school have been much more peaceful and I am happy to say that we are thoroughly enjoying the changes that this year’s study plan have allowed. Lots of reading time on the couch, more trips to the park, school is starting to shape into a very enjoyable routine. And we are all learning a lot already.
How have your first days of school gone, Friends? I hope that your living and learning journeys have been sweet so far. I’m looking forward to chatting with you again through the year and sharing some of the goings on at our little place here Under the Maple Tree. Wishing you warm and enjoyable days as we trickle in to the autumn.
Talk soon,
P.S. – I will post again soon about some of the events here in our little corner of the world. Notably, our first Charlotte Mason Support Group meeting will be next week. Do you want to read along with us again this year? We will be reading Ruth Beechick’s A Biblical Home Education. Let me know if you need a copy. They are normally $16 but I am sharing them for $14 (tax included) so that you can save a penny or two while you join us.
SO on the same learning path as a home school mother! We dove into the first day/week of school and crashed/burned. We had a terribl-no-good start to our year and I learned that we need to ease into the year and AGAIN learned that I need grace for every step. You can read about our start here : http://www.withcontentment.blogspot.ca/
ReplyDeleteMel, I can so relate. It looks like you also have four daughters like we do? Busy days! We have started to settle into our routine. (Once it gets "normal" we will probably pitch it all out the window for another summer break again!) For now, we are enjoying a lot of reading time on the couch and park visits with piano practice and letter writing and math and various lessons in between. Shorter swings of the pendulum as the highs and lows even out. I hope that your September improved as well.